Monday, May 19, 2008

Biscuit has arrived!

Here he is! What a bundle of joy, and work. he really is a baby. I can't go anywhere because he's never been alone. oh boy oh boy! Who wants to puppy sit?

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Mother's Devotion

We have been blessed this mother's day with a robin's nest in our apple tree. I watched through the living room window as they made their nest. Now the mom sits in it day and night, rain or shine and in close proximity to us humans. We are grateful, we feel like they chose us! She is a testament to a mother's devotion to her children. So Happy Mother's Day to all moms of all species!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Meet Biscuit!

We are seriously getting a new puppy! He's a mini pom-poo! We spent a day with him last week, but he was still too little to be separated from his dog family. We're getting him from Annie's friend, so he can visit his mom and sister any time. Baby Kitty is hanging on, I still give him and IV every day. Daisy is a playful, sometimes serious kitten. She runs up to Marcello and smells his nose to see if he's ok (1) when he's sleeping, and (2) if he cries. She bites my feet. And obeys Joe!

Igave my notice at BU (YAY)...will be going back to Tuesdays and Thursdays starting May 12 until sometime in June before my camping vacation on the 21st. (whee)

I have been crocheting up a storm, likely to balance the workload. I will post photos later from home.

What do you think about this: I want to run a couple of weeks of Art Camp this summer. Would anyone be intersted? How much would you pay? What would you want to do or your kids? I have already lined up teachers for knitting, oil painting, I can teach crochet, Jodie will do clay, we can also make beaded bracelets, I can teach sewing, or just about anything you can think of. (Here I will soon find out if anyone reads this!)

Thanks! Talk to you soon!


Friday, March 28, 2008

50 Handy Tips

Not only are these tips handy - they make an interesting read! There is a world outside of Abington, Massachusetts in the USA!

I have had a stomach virus (I hope) since Easter....I have eaten only a bowl of Cheerios. Good for the weight loss, bad for everything else. I think I have a soy allergy which is causing the wee hour migraines and totally sleepless nights. If you know me at all, you know that I will find the good in any situation so here goes. (1) I do not throw up if there's nothing in my stomach, and (2) I am learning (or relearning) to be mindful of what I put in my mouth. This is probably a really good life exercise - ex: "how will this make me feel?" If it's not good, then I don't eat it. (3) This recent illness brings my weight loss to 10 lbs. And I will not be celebrating with any chocolate cupcakes, but rather the knowledge that I will be healthier and maybe living longer for my son and someday feeling well!

Monday, March 24, 2008

An Easter Miracle

I took one last call from my deck last night about 9:30 and I heard a faint "meow." So I ran out, and started going in the woods. The woods were black and scary so I ran back for a flashlight and a coat. I ran back to the trap kindly provided by Brockton Cat Coalition, and there she was! The first thing she did was stand up on her hind paws and jump on Baby Kitty, as if to say "I'm Back!" I was getting really upset by yesterday so we traipsed into the woods yet again, and Joe and I placed a trail of food from the woods to our house. It was then I noticed (1) you can't really see our house from the end of our property, and (2) the woods really are lovely, dark and deep. We have been afraid of the woods since we moved here almost 3 years ago because back then there were coyotes hanging around our yard. One morning I saw one but I thought it was a stray skinny German Shepherd. My mom instinct kicked in: "get in the car!" I said to Marcello and Colten. But they're gone now, I didn't hear their howls all winter. And the woods are so peaceful, if you don't mind climbing through the viney, thorny thicket! I spent alot of still moments out there this weekend and discovered this: nothing. Nothing but the wind blowing a creaking tree now and then. How peaceful is that? I could get used to it! Back to Daisy - I slept on the couch and she slept on my belly, and frequented my chin with her little head. It's great to have her back and especially to know that she didn't freeze curled up in a little ball in 20 degree nights.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Easter Bunny?

I went out early, at first light, but it was still dark in the woods, to look for Daisy. I happened upon a brown, furry thing, could it be the easter bunny?

Friday, March 21, 2008

Oh Where Oh Where Has My Little Daisy Gone?

My little Daisy ran off yesterday at 8am. She's been meowing and trying to get out for days. We are getting frantic, but at least she's not at any of the local vets, shelters, hospitals, etc. One of the doctors at BU said the need to get out and do stuff is a biological spring fever type thing. She's too young to come back pregnant, but now that I think of it she has been jumping on Baby Kitty (who BTW really enjoys that - not!)